Car title loans have been known to get people out of some hard financial times. Unexpected high medical bills, repairs to a vehicle or home can be devastating to those who live paycheck to paycheck. Covering those costs with limited options due to a poor credit score score can be frustrating.
A car title loan will use the equity in your car and take the "pink slip" as collateral that the loan will be paid back. Secured loans can create trouble if not paid since the item can be collected as payment of the loan. No one wants their car to be collected, so the incentive to pay off the loan is high. Interest on these loans is high as well. Taking extra time to pay off the loan could keep your budgeted expenses suffering during the payoff.
A great way to prevent the need for car title loans, a cash advance or payday loan is by creating your own savings account. Focus on the budget. Decide what expenses have to say, and what costs could be cut, at least temporary. In order to build that savings account as fast as you can, there will need to be some sacrifices. A good strategy would be to save enough to cover one month's worth of expenses. The faster you can do this the better.
*Once you have enough money to cover a whole month of bills, you will no longer have the "living paycheck to paycheck" worries. You will now be working for next month's costs saving your paychecks in the bank. Budgeting for expenses when you have the whole lot, will give you a much clearer picture of where you money goes and therefore, more control on the excess to save for emergencies.
*Take worries and stress out of your head when your daily focus in not all about money. If by chance you do have unexpected costs then you will have some money saved to work with. Your need for a car title loan will be lessened, or at least the amount you take a loan for will decrease.
*Budgeting will be better evaluated when you can look back over the month and see where the money went. Set up payments at the beginning of the month, then evaluate in the end. This will give you an unbiased look at your financial situation. Cut accordingly in order to keep the savings growing or begin investing.
It won't be easy. Take one day at a time when it comes to cutting costs. Ask yourself before you get to the checkout; is this a need or a want? Limit the amount of cash you carry with you and take the credit cards out of your wallet. Take a good look where your income goes and cut back on unnecessary items. Utilities are a must, but there are ways to save money on these costs. Once you get your financial situation to one where you can be self-reliant your extra money will not be spent on service fees borrowing money, but rather on strengthening your own situation.
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